Amor Armitage ॐ愛

Amor Armitage ॐ愛
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Pro parkour athlete
Mark Wahlberg Double
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Whether what I am seeing is a basket full of dirty laundry or a stunning scenery, everything is sweeter with these two @chase_armitage @lila_and_zen Thank you to my beautiful sister-in-law @jade_armitage and brother-in-law @joe4rt for the amazing treat they got for Chase and I
Bliss in Greece 2024What a week! Amorgos truly has my heart, such a special island where the clear sea, rich nature scents and stunning landscapes never fail to leave me in awe This retreat was like no other ~ only women practicing yoga ~ deep ~ intimate ~ awakening with a bunch of the most ama...
So not pretty I could cry ! or I can smile and be grateful that in spite of all the harm, I still have my leg So grateful I can still do what I love and share it with others first time this year that Im soaking up sun rays in my skin and swimming in the ocean Also, Im about to teach a yoga retr...
Our baby Lila is one year old 24 May 2024 Happy Birthday Lila Shes brought so much joy and love to our home. Our bundle of fluff and fun, of kisses and excitement. What a love it makes my heart feel bigger than it can fit in my little body, her company is a source of daily gratitude and smile...
This Thursday Flow & Restore 7-8:15pm will combine the Dragon Dance A blend of styles combining Indian and Taoist yoga in which theres a step by step progression and repetition of postures with the aim of flowing smoothly and stimulate circulation as well as chi flow throughout whole body, leavi...
Happy Anniversary to the love of my lifetime, youre the best thing Ive found on social media 14 years together, 15 years in awe by you @chase_armitage together through thick and thin, ups and downs and you make it all more bearable. I would have never imagined our story needed to have such a shi...
So blessed to be able to share what I am most passionate about with amazing people 3 months of training, 60 hours, and triple the hours in preparation for this yin yoga teacher training A training I had planned to run at the beginning of last year but due to the accident I had, I had to postpone ...
Do you need a week off? A week where all that matters is your well being? 7 days of calm, yoga, sunshine, amazing food , meditation and breathing techniques to improve your life could you do with a week spent without worries, enjoying nature or the resort spa/ amenities as well insightful talks,...
If theres anything in our lives that isnt flourishing as we would like to, all we have to do is to look at the existing conditions we are exposed to are they conducive to growth , are they nourishing us? Or is there something that obstructs our blossoming, anything that shadows our attempts to fl...
The yoga retreat with Amor was magical, it exceeded all my expectations. Amor is very caring and helped everyone. we had lots of fun extra activities and the hotel is a perfect paradise!! I will definitely come back! An attendee in our last retreat from 2022 One last opportunity (of a lifetime) t...
Comparison is the thief of joy Theodore RooseveltIsnt it wonderful to feel inspired by others and let that inspiration blossom into a more wholesome way of being? If we had nothing to compare ourselves with, perhaps there wouldnt be the same drive to be better, to improve, or to reach new heights...
Whether we notice or not, all of our lives are changing everyday; from a cellular level with cells dying and regenerating each day to our state of mind, emotions and circumstances. Some changes are barely perceptible while others are huge, and Ive chosen to daily meet myself in silence to welcome...