(/) Vegan Tofu Chocolate Pudding with fair produced @orodecacao_shop chocolate bar. RECIPE link in my bio & stories. This recipe is sponsored by @fairtradech that with Fairbruary is challenging us all to use more fair products to make our food. Schoko-Tofu Pudding mit @orodecacao_shop fair produ...
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(/) Vegan Mushroom Wellington. Recipe link in my bio & stories Veganer Pilz-Wellington. Rezept Link in Bio #vlove #vLoveYou #vLoveMigros #MigrosChind #plantbased #vloveit #wellington #xmas #mushroom #mushrooms #roast #braten #pilze #champignons #puffpastry #bltterteig #rezept #vegetarisch #zrich...
(/) Banana Bread with @minor_original @munz chocolate bar. RECIPE link in my bio & stories. This recipe is sponsored by @fairtradech that with Fairbruary is challenging us all to use more fair products to make our food. Bananenbrot mit @minor_original @munz Schokoriegel. REZEPT Link in meiner Bi...
(/) Red pepper Stir Fry with Soy Sauce & Quorn. Tasty, healthy and packed with nutrients #EatConsciouslyWithQuorn . The quorn pieces can be bought at @migros and are super delicious.This recipe is sponsored by @migros Rote Paprika Stir Fry mit Sojasauce & Quorn. Super schmackhaft, gesund und voll...
Du musst nicht perfekt sein, um das Klima zu schtzen - aber dieses Linsenschnitzel ist perfekt, um etwas richtig Leckeres frs Klima zu tun. Rezept Link in der Bio & Stories You dont have to be perfect to protect the climate - but this lentil schnitzel is perfect for doing something really tasty f...
(/) Vegan potato gratin. Recipe Link in my bio & stories Veganer Kartoffelgratin. Rezept Link in meinem Bio & Stories #vlove #vLoveYou #vLoveMigros #MigrosChind #plantbased #veganuary #VeganUpTheClassicsWithVLove #potato #potatoes #gratin #kartoffel #kartoffeln #rezept #pflanzlicheernhrung #pfla...
(/) Vegan potato gratin. The perfect dinner to enjoy with your friends & family during Veganuary!This recipe is sponsored by @migros . I used the V-Love Plant-Based Soja Cuisine & the V-Love The Grated. January 3rd-16th the V-Love poducts are 20% off. Veganer Kartoffelgratin. Das perfekte Abendes...
(/) Manicotti with Mushrooms Ragout & Sour Cream Bechamel Recipe Link in my bio & stories Cannelloni mit Pilzragout & Sauerrahm Bechamel Rezept Link in meiner Bio & Stories #cannelloni #manicotti #pasta #homemade #italianfood #italianstyle #ragout #bolognese #pilz #sauce #bechamel #veganfood #...
(/) Vegan Spinach Pie with plant based RECIPE Link in my bio & stories Super leckerer Veganer Spinat Kuchen! REZEPT Link in meiner Bio & Stories #vlove #vLoveYou #vLoveMigros #MigrosChind #plantbased #veganuary #ricotta #pie #kuchen #spinat #spinach #kuchenliebe #kuchenbacken #backen #blttertei...
(/) Vegan Mushroom Wellington. Recipe link in my bio & stories Veganer Pilz-Wellington. Rezept Link in Bio #vlove #vLoveYou #vLoveMigros #MigrosChind #plantbased #vloveit #wellington #xmas #mushroom #mushrooms #roast #braten #pilze #champignons #puffpastry #bltterteig #rezept #vegetarisch #zrich...
Vegan Mushroom Wellington. The perfect Christmas Wellington to enjoy with your family.This recipe is sponsored by @migros .I used the V-Love Plant-Based Soja Cuisine & the V-Love Vegan Bloc (my favorite butter alternative).Veganer Pilz-Wellington. Das perfekte Weihnachts-Wellington, das du mit de...
Vegan Roast Beef have you tried it already? Recipe Link in my Bio & Stories veganes Roastbeef habt ihr das schon probiert? Rezept Link in meiner Bio & Stories #roast #roastbeef #vegan #veganessen #veganerezepte #vegane #veganeernhrung #rezepte #lecker #leckerschmecker #leckerlecker #leckerund...
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