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The worlds leading pet DNA test Chosen by over 4 million pet parents
Meet the world's leading DNA service for dogs and cats.
Wisdom Health is part of Mars Petcare, the worldâs largest pet care provider. We have spent nearly two decades researching dog genetics starting with our instrumental role in the Canine Genomics project in 1999. The Wisdom Health database of breed signatures is the largest in the world (more than 15,000 samples) with more than 350 breeds, types and varieties represented and we are expanding it every year.
Mars Petcare is focused on one purpose: A BETTER WORLD FOR PETS. In April 2019, Mars Petcare launched its newest division: Kinship. As part of Kinship, Wisdom Health is working to achieve this purpose by engaging partners to enhance the well-being of pets everywhere. With growing data and analytics capabilities, a $100M venture fund, a pet care startup accelerator, industry-leading technology, and consumer businesses like Whistle and Wisdom Health, Kinship is bringing pets and their owners closer together like never before.
Wisdom Health is part of Mars Petcare, the worldâs largest pet care provider. We have spent nearly two decades researching dog genetics starting with our instrumental role in the Canine Genomics project in 1999. The Wisdom Health database of breed signatures is the largest in the world (more than 15,000 samples) with more than 350 breeds, types and varieties represented and we are expanding it every year.
Mars Petcare is focused on one purpose: A BETTER WORLD FOR PETS. In April 2019, Mars Petcare launched its newest division: Kinship. As part of Kinship, Wisdom Health is working to achieve this purpose by engaging partners to enhance the well-being of pets everywhere. With growing data and analytics capabilities, a $100M venture fund, a pet care startup accelerator, industry-leading technology, and consumer businesses like Whistle and Wisdom Health, Kinship is bringing pets and their owners closer together like never before.
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