Moments from September 1 - A random book I found at @halfpricebooks that ended up becoming one of my new favorites2 & 3 - Cute little coffee shop in Oregon3 - Perhaps the perfect desk for writing. Should I go back and buy it? 4 - Dahlias at the state fair5 - Listen to this song if you want to fe...
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Well, hello.Its been a while since Ive posted anything here (or anywhere on the internet for that matter).I took some accidental time away from writing to let go of the pressure I was putting on myself to have something to say on a regular basis.I say accidental because I didnt really mean to dis...
Theres plenty of time to set goals. Start with these simple things to ease into the new year.
Little summer moments
Some thoughts from yesterday's newsletter about fear (which sounds dark, but it can be a powerful tool) Sign up for my sort-of-almost weekly newsletter if you want more like this - link in bio #mindfulness #getoutofyourhead #theblissfulmind
Spring is coming (somewhere, somehow)
The days of good vibes only are gone. I think its time we honor whatever vibes were dealt with in the moment. The good will come; you dont have to force it
Which one do you choose? I dare you to pick more than one #2022goals #whichone
THE DAILY BLISS PLANNER It's here and you can get your hands on one today! Designed to help you stay mindful and intentional throughout the day Includes monthly/weekly planning and recap pages to help you prioritize what's important and reflect on the good The daily pages get you in the right mi...
So...I made a daily planner! For a good chunk of this year, I've been working on a physical planner that will help you be more mindful and intentional throughout your day.The Daily Bliss Planner includes space to set intentions and goals, organize your to-do list efficiently, track your self-care...
ROUTINE How do you feel about routines? I've always been a little obsessed with them in the sense that I love hearing about what other people do in the morning, before they go to bed, and how they run their daily lives.But I've always felt like there's this pressure to have the 'perfect routine...
There is power in making space for what you need Here are some super simple ideas for letting go and making space:1. Physically- dust the corners of your apartment that are accumulating nasties- get rid of your dying plants (make room for new ones!)- donate the clothes that you're never going to ...
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