Swim360 Coach

We help adults with no swimming background to swim easier and faster in their next triathlon or open water event
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This is the complicated part of freestyle technique...You might have a super solid 'Catch'...Perfect body rotation...A streamlined body position...Etc, etc...But if all of this is done at the wrong time - it will fail to be as effective as it could be if done at the right time.And this is the tri...
Can you swim SUPER SLOW freestyle with hardly any effort?You got to learn how to swim efficient freestyle SLOW before you can go fast.So many people skip this and just try to swim fast (trying to run before they learn to walk).Why? usually a result of being in the mindset of...If I just turn my a...
If you swim for triathlon or open water and didn't swim competitively in a swim club growing up then this tip is for you...When it comes to freestyle technique you can't just copy the pros or people with a significant swim background.You need a different approach!Your approach needs to be to deve...
Short sprints are like doing weights for your freestyle Dead start sprints (especially) put a lot of weight on your underwater pull - doing these as fast as you can will increase your freestyle strength.Increased freestyle strength = ability to swim faster and makes slower paces feel easier Sprin...
The most effective propulsion you can produce in the water is the combination of your body rotation and underwater pull.They are ONE synchronized process
One really cool thing about swimming is that it is for everyone!You don't need to be strong.You don't even need to be fit.You don't need to be young.All you need to know is HOW to do it and your away!No matter what level you are at, I have some fundamental tips to help you move through the water ...
A quick little reminder for you here today on why technique work is a MUST.Your technique sets the limit to where your fitness can take you.In other words...You could train an hour every day, 7 days a week, take every supplement available, wear the latest Garmin, get the latest extreme buoyancy w...
Swim IN the water, going THROUGH the water Not ON the water Let the water take the weight of your body so you can focus all your energy going forwards.The last thing you want to do is spend energy to keep yourself up. That makes swimming HARD WORK!Just make sure you are rotating enough so you can...
If you have been through one of our 14-day challenges - you may be familiar with this awesome drill!This is one of my all-time favorite drills I developed.I call it side-to-side freestyle.You can use it to help develop the most streamlined, and stable body position in the water.So you are always ...
Enter at shoulder width and reach straight ahead.This will help you to avoid becoming a sea snake
How effective is your grip (catch) on the water?The better you can grip the water, the further and faster you can drive your body forward through the water with every single stroke.Someone with hardly any power but an effective grip on the water will outswim someone with lots of power but has a p...
Want to be as prepped as you can for your next tri or open water swim? If you cannot get to the open water regularly (at least every 1-2 weeks) - get in the habit of practicing your open water skills in the pool.Mainly sighting!Why?You don't just want to know how to do this skill, you actually wa...