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My work is about reading the Bible reading it with you and reading it from the heart of the Church
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While growing up, the things that stick with kids the most are what they see their parents do and absorb what they discuss. If parents lead by bad example, their children will probably follow in likewise manner. But the same can be said for parents who lead by good example. The same goes for pra...
John the Baptist... was the greatest possible saint that he could be. Sure, he didnt have the Eucharist or the pope or the New Testament, but within the confines of what his Jewish faith offered, he showed himself to be perfectly conformed to the will of God. Its for this reason that he was chose...
There are many thoughts among Catholics about how to best live in the world and it can get quite confusing. In his book, Catholics in Exile, Scott Hahn mentions another way. This way is a lifestyle found and rooted in Scripture. Catholics in Exile takes us back to the Babylonian Exile where the p...
Throughout the Scriptures, God is associated with wind in various forms. In Genesis 1, the Spirit of God moving over the water refers to the breath of God (the Hebrew word ra refers to spirit, breath, and wind). Dr. Bergsma goes on to explain that the Spirit/Breath of God is associated with a dov...
When we look at the famous Scripture passage where God tells St. Paul that His power is made perfect in weakness (2 Cor 12:9): although God did not take away Pauls thorn and suffering, was he still healed? Following the definitions of healing- to be set free to love the way you were created to lo...
The Medieval Catholic theologian St. Thomas Aquinas... famously distinguished three different categories within the Mosaic Law: the moral, the ceremonial, and the judicial. The moral laws of the Old Testament are precepts like Thou shalt not kill, Take care of the orphan and widow, and Worship th...
Although things all around us may seem bad and maybe getting worse- from the government, to our parishes, and all of society- Scott Hahn reminds us there isnt a better time to be a Catholic. Whats important is that we will always have Christ and His Sacraments. Although this world and its ups and...
Fire is the element that gives us light and heat, is a tool to provide food and energy, and is also a symbol of enlightenment and purification. Along with the life giving qualities, fire can also lead to destruction and death. We can use the image of fire to better understand God. As we need fire...
The Book of Sirach teaches us valuable lessons regarding the mind and the mouth and reminds us of the well-known phrase, think before you speak. Our words have great power and reveal what we think and feel, and our words are capable of bringing about good or evil- not just upon others, but upon o...
Prudence is defined by the Church as practical wisdom. Practical wisdom comes from God and through our experiences of daily life- from our successes and our failures. Failure may seem like a scary and devastating thing, but failure can bring about great triumphs in life if we humble ourselves and...
Contrary to popular belief, it is not the case that Our Lady barely appears in the Bible. She actually appears multiple times in all four Gospels, and she is depicted as an important figure not only at Jesuss conception and birth, but also at His first miracle and at His crucifixion. In the Acts ...
Happy Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus!May the Sacred Heart of our Lord not only triumph in our hearts in this month of June, but throughout our whole lives!
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