Sophie Benbow | Self-Development Coach & Mindfulness teacher ✨

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Last 12 posts
RECENT PLATES I heard that this June is about peace and clearing - how true for me. I always know when I feel calm, settled and happy as I spend more time in my kitchen planning recipes and going back to old favourites! Excited to be back!!Much love and kindness to you all #pescatarian #healthym...
Todays affirmations:I am strongI am enoughI am loveI find affirmations so powerful in making positive mindset shifts. Every day i say affirmations. They could be a theme for the week or month or they could be new daily affirmations depending on what is unfolding for me internally. Choose to feel ...
It doesnt take much to upgrade your lifestyle. I know only too well that endless scrolling and bad habits can take over. When you make the intention to change these habits, you give yourself an opportunity to live with more grace, ease and happiness .Here are some easy lifestyle changes youcan ma...
Welcome to June beautiful people! This month is all about PEACE.I dont know about you but the last few months for me have been very highly charged and somewhat chaotic. Have any of you had the same experience? Answer my poll to let me know If there was ever a time to focus on Peace now would be t...
A little bit of loveliness for May #meditation #mindfulness #kindfulness #selfhelp #happiness #mindfulliving #healthcoach #positivity #mindfuleating #sophiebenbow #joy #happyvibes
Something that took me a long time to figure out was that setting boundaries doesnt mean youre a nasty or selfish person. It means you are clear about what you want and the type of life you want to live. It also makes things easier for the people around you.Thank you @brainzmagazine for publishin...
SO excited to deliver my first mindfulness workshop this weekend Ive been manifesting this for so long and its finally happening!Stepping into my power If youd like further details about my workshops please send me a dm xxThank you @nom.nom.nails .yes red is my favourite colour!#meditation #mind...
EASY ONE PAN CURRIED SALMONIngredients:2 x fillets of salmon1 small broccoli head, broken into florets 2 handfuls of cherry tomatoes2-3 small sweet potatoes, dicedSauce:Curry paste1/2 can of coconut milk/creamServe with rice and fresh corianderMethod: Preheat oven to 180c, line a baking tray Plac...
I feel absolutely thrilled to announce Im partnering with @nuforma.pilates in Sydney to launch my first 4 week program called Reset your Mind. This will be combined with an in-studio Pilates challenge to help you get the full body, mind and soul reset you need. My workshops will include Mindfulne...
Many people think excitement is happiness...But when you are excited you are not peaceful. True happiness is based on peace, - Thich Nhat HanhIve just had my birthday and Ive been reflecting on who I am right now. Ive realised that its all the tiny habits which you pick up over time that end up m...
Theres been a few new faces around here lately, hi!! Welcome to my page About me:- Im a self-development coach, specialising in Mindfulness- I offer 1:1 coaching online and in person (link in bio to enquire)- I host Mindfulness Workshops- I teach Mindful movement- I am passionate about Mindful Ea...
Welcome to April Beautiful people!This month is all about JOY.Over on my broadcast channel I will give you a self-love affirmation and voice note which I would like you to repeat for the month along with other exercises. Please join my channel to be involved Happy Birthday month to all my fellow ...
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