Raku Inoue 井上 羅来

The pleasure is to keep on watering my Creativitree
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Jane & the Jane Goodall Institute
Inspiring hope & transforming it into action 💫
Fulfilling a vision of science-based, community-led conservation 🌱
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Im so grateful to have spent time over the with @janegoodallinst over the years. I think the first time was when Dr Jane spent a week with us at @greenschoolbali connecting with kids and parents and using her powerful presence as a story teller to inspire hope. Following that we had the pleasure ...
Laputian Robot TrooperA reiterated version of the primitive automaton that appears in the @ghibliusa film: Castle in the Sky. In part, the film represents the duality of technology and humanity. --#natura #nature #creative #creation #art #photography #studioghibli #ghibli #montreal #mtl #japan #...
Forest GodMononokehime has always been one of my favorite films from @ghibliusa mainly because of the theme and how it highlights the friction between nature and humans. It is very representative of our current times and reminds us that there are sometimes steep prices to pay due to our ambitiou...
Haku - Spirited AwayAnother one inspired from the epic scene from Studio Ghibli's Spirited Away. There was a thunderstorm last night in Montreal so I thought of using some lilacs before they ended up ruined by the strong wind and heavy rain. I also took the liberty to change the colour of her s...
Natura TotoroSpring is upon us and so many materials to work with! Here is a tribute to a character that Is very close to my childhood, Totoro!--#natura #nature #totoro #creative #creations #arrangement #art #craft #photograph #Mtl #montreal #japan #tokyo #studioghibli
Kaonashi BlossomOne of my fav characters and I think I've made over a dozen of iterations over the years. This one was inspired by the season of the blossom! --#nature #natura #inspiration #creative #creations #creativity #phptography #craft #montreal #MTL #japan #tokyo #spiritedaway #studioghibli
Coral Reef 2024Admittedly, a bit off-season but I gotta say, I love the colours of the changing leaves! Perhaps I should make a spring version??--#natura #nature #flower #floral #arrangement #art #creative #craft #imagination #Mtl #montreal #japan #tokyo #photography
Cicadapocalypse by Roger McMullanCicadapocalypse is a 90-page, educational graphic novel that's ideal for ages 8-12. Vetted by educators, entomologists, and children's authors, this lively story is bound to capture curious minds as millions of periodical cicadas take over 17 of the eastern United...
Whales v.2This is a reiterated version of the original whale made a long time ago. Added some new details along with the baby whale to accompany the mother. The materials used are also different from the original except for the water spray coming out of the mother's back. Although I liked the ...
SpiderI spied the spiders in the Spider Spying House,skillful spinning spiders in the Spider Spying House,spinning silken steel in the Spider Spying House, spiralled structured steel in the Spying Spider House,when I spied I those spiders in that Spider Spying House.-M.S. Harvey--#nature #natura ...
Hummingbird 2024Feels like Spring is finally here! It's nice and sunny outside and the temperature is supposed to rise up to 19degrees here in Montreal. Can't wait to get out more and maybe go on a roadtrip let the good times roll--#natura#nature#craft #creative #creations #photograph #photograp...
Place of GatheringNature is where I find peace and tranquility. It's also where imagination spreads and creativity flourishes. It's a place of birth for all things that bring me joy and happiness.#nature #natura #art #craft #photography #floral #flora #montreal #MTL #Japan #tokyo #imagination