Feeling faint this #AniMonday Clean keys for @dirkerikschulz 's #PopeyeandthePhantomreanimated project. Once everything is set up in #Blender, it's so nice to just dive into animating. #greasepencil is so friggin' cool!#popeye #oliveoyl #cartoon #animation #2danimation #monster #horror #ghost
A little nightmare fuel for your #AniMonday Rough pass of my shot for #PopeyeandthePhantomreanimated done in #blender . So much hair-pulling, but I really would love to get a solid workflow with #greasepencil . It's so awesome, but my monkey-brain needs practice with it. Haha!#Popeye #animatio...
All the amazing artists I follow are jumping ship and moving here, so here's where my stowaway barrel on the anti-AI pirate ship is located.I'll probably keep posting here, since the AI goblins don't seem too interested in my work, but who knows what the future holds.
A bit of sister-talk.Happy birthday to my crazy sister! Here's to another great lap around the earth!#sister #BobsBurgers #louise #louisebelcher #tina #tinabelcher #drawing #birthday #csp #clipstudiopaint
Finally getting around to this.#Popeye #popeyeandthephantom #popeyeandthephantomreanimated #concepts #characterdesign #characterconcept #conceptart #expressions #cartoon #digitalart #drawing #CSP #clipstudiopaint
I see you lookin'!Photo courtesy of Katie#strawberry #photo #drawing #digitalart #CSP #clipstudiopaint
Here's a little humility and humbleness for you this #AniMonday #BobsBurgers #Teddy #animation #cartoon #2d #2danimation #toonboom #videoref #inyourface
#themadsareback - wow. That was... something.
Some #JimmyJr and #Zeke for your feed.#BobsBurgers #drawing #ink #inking #inkbrush #redpencil #cartoon
This #AniMonday I present #Clamstrodamus. The pinnacle of animation!Actually, we were having trouble coming up with a formula for how Clamstrodamus would move, but they ended up liking my pitch, so I made this tutorial for the crew.#BobsBurgers #WharfMeWorry #animation #cartoon
Oh! Caught me at such an awkward moment!It's been a while, but I've busted out the old #sketchwallet again! Fun to scribble on the go!#cat #kitty #drawing #sketch #doodle #redpencil #ballpointpen
Another Bobless weekend means another #BobsBurgers #AniMonday !One of my jobs as retake director is to visually stitch together some loose ends, and plus some of the acting. I love it!#BobBelcher #Fischoeder #EscapeFromWhichIsland #storyboard #storyboardpro #toonboom