Patty Pittman • Strength & Endurance Coach

Coaching 20 yrs NASM USA Triathlon Coach
3x IronmanUltra Runner
Strength 4 Runners
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Last 12 posts
Back on the trails with my training buddy! These past 2.5 weeks have been a journey of resilience and patience, filled with cycling and lifting as I nursed a calf injury. Easing back into running this week felt like pure joy! If youre dealing with an injury or downtime, remember that sometimes th...
Want to hit the trails with me and snag a $200 gift card? Im teaming up with @womens.epic for an incredible GIVEAWAY!Im all about getting more women out on the trails, and Womens Epic is crushing it with this mission. Im gearing up for a 20k at Brighton Resort in Utahmy first solo race since 202...
Id stamp this on my forehead if I could. Theres a widespread myth that simply putting in the hard work during training is what makes you better, stronger, and faster. Its easy to think this way when we cross the finish line, reflecting on the hard efforts we put in. BUT heres the truth: training ...
One of the most damaging myths out there is the idea that your goals, training, and performance have to take a backseat because youre a parent. Ive been battling this narrative myself since becoming a mom, and the #momguilt can be relentless. But heres the hard truth: our kids need to see us show...
Another epic day on the trails with 13.1 miles and a solid 3200+ feet of vert! This run wraps up a 60-mile week, capped off with some serious technical terrain and steep climbs.Todays session was all about repeats. I knocked out 3 sets of 2 miles up, each gaining 1000 feet, then cruised back down...
One Year Seizure-Free One year ago, everything changed in an instant. I was in the gym locker room one minute and then waking up to EMS and people taking care of me the next minute. The journey since then hasnt been easy. Living with the constant fear of another seizure, especially knowing that ...
Who knew that slowing down could be so transformative? Recovery runs might not capture the allure of speedwork, but their importance is undeniable.Think of them as the balm that rejuvenates your muscles, facilitating faster recovery. Post-intense workouts, your muscles endure micro-tears, which i...
Runners, lets get real about something critical in your strength training: anatomical adaptation. This phase is the cornerstone of any effective lifting program. I know I post about the importance of lifting heavy as an athlete, but you cant skip the first phase. Anatomical adaptation is all abou...
Is training with kids hard? Absolutely. Does it ever go as planned? Hardly. But is it worth it? A million times - yes.Training has always been my priority, and that didnt change when I had kids, despite what many said. Sure, my training looks different now, but the goal is the same: taking care o...
Weekend vibes on the trails! I logged roughly 25 miles and 3900 feet of elevation gain Saturday and Sunday. Perfect ending to a 63 mile week of running. Nature therapy at its finest! Im approaching the one-year mark since my seizure, and to be real, its been a rollercoaster of emotions. Physicall...
Ask any strength coach Mastering the squat isnt just about lifting heavy - its about perfecting those fundamental movement patterns. Make sure you have quality form before you even think about adding weight. Start with bodyweight movements, focusing on achieving optimal flexion in your hips, ankl...
Taking some me time with a recovery run today because this mama needs a break. Ive been battling a cold this past week thats really kicked my butt. So, Ive been slowing down, embracing self-care, and giving my tired body some love. Remember, its okay to take time for yourself, especially as a bus...