Natela Grigalashvili

Independent documentary photographer based in Tbilisi Georgia Open for assignments To buy my prints contact me via email natelagrigagmailcom
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Misty evening at summer pastures
Doukhobors at Holy Blue Kurgan Mountain
My mother resting in the forest next to the firewood she collected to bake bread. About 30 years ago
Early autumn morning. From my series The Doukhobors' Land
A man carries milk on an early autumn morning in a Doukhobor village.
Kind greeting from the window
Near Iran-Iraq border
Megi and her flock. From my series Village of the Mice
Girls in the field after Quran school
Neighbours enjoying the watermelon
Playing football at summer pastures
From my series The Doukhobors' LandBook available at @librairie_maupetit