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It was the first warm night of the year and I'd been on the computer all day. So we took a late night walk by the water to get me out of the house. Lilly spotted this great blue heron hanging out on a dock. We watched him till he got annoyed at us and took off. He was so loud and so beautiful in ...
My work has been heavy and hard this week. So I'm making a purposeful choice to notice and add beauty to my work spaces. Today that looks like picking roses and having them next to my iced coffee while I work on the back patio.I'm also remembering the truth of these words from the wonderful preac...
Happy first day of summer!!! PS. If your kiddo asks you to cut special slice of watermelon off so he can make a face and you don't really feel like doing it cause you're in a hurry and you just want to get this watermelon cut and in the fridge and you don't want to wait for him to make the face o...
A few days ago I shared a reel of fun day and night away Aaron and I took to celebrate our 26th anniversary. I highlighted the beautiful views we took in, the good food we ate and the fun shops we visited. It was light hearted and happy and reflected my heart after our time together.After that po...
Oh this? It's just a giant branch that fell from our tree seconds before Aaron pulled his rental truck into park there. Seconds.Sheesh.That branch would have caused serious damage to the rental.And yes, we still have a rental because insurance still hasn't settled with us from the car accident in...
Yes, I'm a little late to the Father's Day share. But I don't let those kinds of details worry me. So here we go:I really love Father's Day on the gram. It's so fun to see pics of all the husbands being celebrated by their wives for being awesome dads. And all the dads being honored by their kids...
Friends! This episode is so fantastic. We are talking girls and puberty and in a positive, uplifting way. This is such a needed point of view surrounding this topic.My guest this week, Megan Ziegenfus, is the creator of Body Talk Basics, a course that includes videos, a book, and guided conversat...
Celebrating 26 years with a little getaway down the coast. Just 24 hours but in the midst of the wild season we've been in, it was really wonderful. We had gorgeous weather, walked 8 miles the first day, ate lots of good food, laughed, talked, drove with the windows down, looked at lots of books ...
It feels like summer! Yesterday marked our first bay day of the season. The sun even came through the infamous June gloom, and it was just such a lovely day. We're going on close to 20 years of spending summer afternoons at this lovely spot. And we're not the least bit tired of it.It's just 8 mil...
Todays episode is tender and contains topics that can be challenging if you have walked through, or are walking through, pregnancy loss. But this episode can also bring a lot of hope and healing wherever you are on your journey. You will feel less alone if you have walked through miscarriage or s...
I may be 47 years old, but when my dad says he needs to talk to me, I still get a little nervous. Turns out I wasn't in trouble. Phew. He actually just wanted to encourage me. And it wasn't about my podcast. He actually wanted to talk about the post I shared here about feeling inadequate. My dad...
This week I was doing an interview for my podcast and halfway through the interview, I realized my computer was nearly out of power. I always charge my computer before interviews, and it had, in fact, been charging all night. Or so I thought.So I had to interrupt my guest and ask her to hang on w...