Live in the Details

I write about what you don’t talk about. ♥
Host of the Life Letters™ Podcast and Series.
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Hope is a funny thing. You want to believe, dont you? You want to believe so that you have that light and fire that binds you to the next step in this life. That keeps you walking forward. But you dont want to hold on too tightly, either right? Because you dont want to be disappointed. You dont w...
One of the most profound things you will ever learn in this life is that LIFE will never be what you think itll be. Oh sure, youll plan. Youll dream. Youll hope and steer and want. But I swear to you, love what you will find nine times out of ten is that life will surprise the sh*t out of you. It...
Fall always gets me. It gets me with that first cooler morning when the sun is lazier in its waking, and the sky stays painted with a grayish blue. It gets me in the evening, when the sun starts its trek across the sky a bit earlier, carrying with it less sounds of summer. More vibrant color in t...
Yes, you may have been dealt a harder hand. And yes this life may have been very, very, unfair to you. Actually, it probably was. And I get it, love, you may not have most of what you want in this life. Yet. And to be honest, youve been waiting for a long time, havent you? Patiently expecting the...
So I have a confession. I keep wanting to come back. I do. Writing has always been my passion. Its who I am not just what I do. And Ive so appreciated your messages and gentle prodding. But the trouble is, Ive been struggling to figure out who this new me is. And what she writes about. The new me...
Its the eve of another brand new year. The time when we each tend to reflect on what has happened and look hopefully towards what will. And inevitably, that means for most of us, that reflection causes us to start thinking of those changes we want to make. Some call them resolutions. Others just ...
Life gets hard sometimes. Use it, love. Use it. Try your best to see your way around the places that look like dead ends that look like left turns and spirals. You are being given opportunities and they may be coming disguised as roadblocks. Change your eyes. 2021 LIVE IN THE DETAILS #liveinthe...
I think a lot about being happy. I think we all do. At times, its just so damn easy, though to think we were happier at some random point in the past, or will be happier at some random point in the future. Right? Its because of this, we say. And then we insert people, and work, and money, and fam...
Im sorry Ive been so quiet. My oh my I havent taken a month off from writing here in well, ever. Both so much and so little has been happening. Big picture? I am planning a wedding with the love of my life. But day-to-day? Day-to-day just feels plain old challenging. Like Im sure we are all exper...
Sometimes we get it completely wrong in this life. We go out there, in a desperate search for this magical person who just fits our lives. Who is everything we ever dreamed of. And wanted. Someone who is, in all honestly just like us. And the trouble with that, is when we make that decision, we a...
I get it. I have fallen victim to it at times. And I know how hard it is. I know how hard it is to look in the mirror and see things you havent seen before. Gray hair. Wrinkles. Age and sun spots. Laugh lines and crows feet and cellulite. Yes, as women, as people, we all know time takes its toll ...
So, whats the excuse for your behavior? Honestly? For the things you say? And do? Is it because weve been living through a global pandemic for over a year now and youre just SO damn tired? Or maybe your job is incredibly stressful and you just cant take ONE more problem. Or maybe all you need is ...
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