“THE Pitbull in Lipstick”

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Annual K9 Recert Starting Year 8!
Heres a first! I was doing my makeup and, of course, she wanted to play with everything. No problem. I let her. Well, I got distracted talking and didnt realize she managed to open the blush and started playing in it. Ironically enough, she was using the correct brush. No big deal! I remember pla...
We have officially experienced Kaias very first temper tantrum. I came home from K9 training and took her outside. I set the bubble blower up, her water table, put new swimming fishies in it, she had her slide, chalk, you name it I mean, its a whole summer mood! Well, we had to go in for a littl...
Today marks 3 years since I promised the words I do. Its been a tough year. A lot has been thrown our way but despite all of it, we remain strong and committed to one another. Building a life with him is the best decision Ive ever made. Im excited to see how much we grow in our next year of marri...
Our favorite girl graduated this week! We are so proud of you and cant wait to continue to watch you grow and blossom into an amazing woman. Great things await you!!! So proud of you, kiddo!
Bubbas biggest fan
Rowan has enjoyed baseball and going to games for a few years now but is really getting into it and learning the game now. Last night after his game, we came home and Shane put on the Pirates game so we could catch the rest of it. He snapped this cool photo of Rowan still in uniform looking on as...
I loved you first. I pray you know when I utter these words it doesnt just mean I was the first to love you. It also means that my love for you came before all else. Because, sweet child of mine, in this whole wide world, in this big ole life, my love for you comes first. Then. Now. Always.
Words cannot express how thankful I am to still have my mom! She got to go home today. Well, to my house for awhile then eventually home. Im so proud of how shes handled this. Its been so heavy and daunting for so long. We have a long road ahead but were headed in the right direction. Thank you t...
Mom is a trooper. She handled her craniotomy today like a champ. Surgery went well. The aneurism was attached to her optic nerve so they had to dissect it off before clipping it. Shes swollen from where they removed the part of her skull above her eye, and that will get worse before it gets bette...
Solar Eclipse 2024 in Pittsburgh, PA at 3:17pm