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Recent moments captured when I have felt Beautiful, Strong, Confident, & Proud of the woman I am building from the inside out! #sundayselfie #gymgirl #bodypositivity #selflove #dotheinnerwork #fitjeans #gymootd #innerlight #growingandglowing #bodypositive #healthymindhealthybody #womenwholift #my...
BECOMING Do things that make you proud of yourself.Surround yourself with people who bring out your best qualities, and distance yourself from people who do the opposite. Be true--True to yourself & true to your morals. Stand up for yourself.Don't let people take advantage of your kindness. Don't...
2022 - 2023There are some slight changes in these photos over the past year, which I'm grateful for! But the physical changes weren't my main focus this past year.For years I've only put my worth in my physical transformations. But, this past year I've mainly only focused on my mental/emotional g...
This past year has been one of the most challenging/rewarding years of my life! Can you relate?! I have lost loved ones, lost myself at times, grew, had some set backs, some leaps forward, navigating becoming an entrepreneur, my husband and I renovating an entire house... the list goes on! I have...
Our thoughts are Powerful.....The stories, words, excuses we tell ourselves.... we are listening. People can tell us all these beautiful compliments. But unless we believe them to be true for ourselves, they will mean nothing.Our thoughts are Seeds. Water yourself daily with positive affirmations...
Happy Monday! Started this week with glute/hamstring leg day! I've always focused on slow/controlled movements when I lift. I could care less on how much weight I can move. I keep my ego in check, and my joints in mind!Do what exercises feel good to YOUr body! Every(body) is different and what wo...
Habits and Priorities are what shape your life! I remember the day looking in the mirror crying, wishing my body away of what I wish it could look like. My Husband looked at me and said, then what are you going to do about it? Tough love, but it's what I needed to hear! It was in that moment I ma...
What people see at the gym VS what I'm listening to! (Sound On)Hard-core music isn't for everyone, but it's the only music I've ever really felt that moves me. It was on my bucket list to be in a moshpit and crowd surf someday. A few months ago I finally got to check it off my bucket list! So of...
Fun Fact About Hair: Growing your hair out is when subconsciously we're in a stage of seeking wisdom and knowledge..... a stage of life where we're in a growing stage. Cutting your hair is spiritual self care. Our hair stores lot of heavy energy. When we cut hair, our head feels light. It releas...
35.... Feelin' Alive! I used to dread Birthday's. Now I embrace them. With age comes wisdom and life experiences ...... and that is such a gift!
My ultimate goal is to make sure I reach my full potential in life. There is a woman I plan to be. I am not her yet. I am still learning, growing, making mistakes, but I will keep working until I become exactly who I aspire to be. Chapter 35: Here's to another year of Life (tomorrow) #gratitude#h...
Dreaming With My Eyes Wide Open