Jeff Later IFBB Pro | Fitness & Performance Coach

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Comment THRIVE to get a free 21 day comprehensive program!It's not until we get into our 40's that we worry about our health.We're no longer invincible and our lifestyle has caught up with us...Building muscle is the key to quality of life into your latter years...or just looking and feeling a th...
Embrace masculinity. Stop demonizing it. Mens mental health is in dire straits. Men cant be men anymore. Or can we?True masculinity is far from toxic. It honors and respects women. Provides, protects, is in touch with emotions, live in their purpose, is responsible, attentive, caring, stay accoun...
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Without a plan, without consistency, your few days in the gym per week will all be for nothing. If you're putting in the work, make it count.You don't need hours in the gym. Even 3 days per week will give you results but only if its structured properly.For coaching inquiries, DM me START
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Most dieters set lofty goals, then at some point, when it gets hard, they say this is good enough...Stopping far short of their original goal...The lack of follow through is what will ALWAYS hold you back.My most successful clients dont consider stopping. They get frustrated just like anyone else...
Comment 2 to get my Arm Training GuideOr don't and fill out your sleeves like a hotdog down a hallway...My arms were my weakness for years until I changed up my training. I put together this guide that gives you insider tips from my own journey as well as what I've taught literally thousands of o...
Theyre watchingThey see you NOT work out, eat excessively, drink alcohol, and see how it affects your health and body. Now some are fortunate enough to do the opposite of their parents, but most dont. Monkey see, monkey do.So, do you want your kids to have your life? Or something better?It starts...
Dont over complicate it
Building muscle changed my life. I was shy, lacked confidence, had an average career, and didnt date much. Building my physique took a ton of work but it was/is all worth it. Im not in a build mode anymore but I continue to reap the benefits of what Ive built. I loosely follow nutrition guideline...
You WILL become a statistic and relapseYes, this more than applies to the shot yall are getting too
Men, we have it a bit easierDo you agree?