Clinical Exercise Physiologist
Masters Clinical Exercise Physiology MCEP BExSSc
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PhD, Biomechanics, CSCS,*D
Inventor of Barbell Hip Thrust
Coach for 27 Years
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To super shoe or not to super shoe?
Quietest place on the planet
One year down, a lifetime to go. 25/03/23@blairashleigh_ann
How can your head positioning affect your spine position whilst thrusting? Classic bro thrusts can look like somebody swinging their head and neck back (top picture) whilst pushing from their lower back due the weight being too heavy or jut poor technique. Whats more is that the lifter usually te...
Fiji Pt 1
Fiji Pt 2
Bullet proof triceps Takeaways: -The tricep makes up 2/3 of the bulk of your arm. Want bigger arms, focus on tricep development. -The key to arm development is not wasting multiple workouts just dedicated to just isolated bicep and tricep exercises. You will be able to place the triceps under gr...
Midsumma Festival
Single or double leg exercises for performance? Swipe , Save & Share .DM for what you want to read next
Christmas 23