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I like drawing unhinged things
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a thank u chilchuck for @kellyonelani !!! they were super patient and sweet in mailing a falin plushie to my partner & I when we couldnt make it to #sakuracon !! their chilchuck cosplay is so good and the image of chilchuck sewing mushroom plushies stuck with me lol #dungeonmeshi #deliciousindun...
THEY CANT TAKE FROM YOU WHAT YOU DO NOT HAVE ; vent art but I turned it into falin <3 THE FULL WILL BE ON MY TWI TTER ITS THE SAME USER HANDLE !!! I hate insta crop. anyway #dungeonmeshi #deliciousindungeon #falin #deliciousindungeonfanart #falintouden #farcille #anime #manga #vent #ventart #net...
I JUST THINK A KISS FROM LAIOS ON THE FOREHEAD WOULD BE THE MOST COMFORTING THING EVER imagine almost dying and then he embraces you. also being a dunmeshi multishipper feels like a cardinal sin cause I draw laocille and then farcille is staring at me from across the room with a dragon scale poin...
I LOVE REMORSEFUL DAD CHARACTERS GAAAAAAAAAAAA.heres my yearly post gang I gaf too much abt followers or what people think of me to ever post what I actually like so Im just gonna stop caring! LOL Im not the same 16 year old I was when I got big on instagram Im a productive member of society now...
Girl I forgot how to post to this mf app but at least I bring relevant content for once in the form of kavetham I basically decided Im gonna care a lot less about being relevant or with the trends tho n Im just gonna post what I want and rn I wanna post genshin to take it like a buncha filthy ani...
A VERY quick vent sketch abt involuntary trauma responses~ I drew it hastily after having quite a sobering moment, reflecting on the situation as I sketched, though I was only drawing for about 10 minutes tops Like you know the feeling of staring into the mirror and knowing deep down that there ...
REINVENTION ; I FEEL IT COMING BACK TOGETHER. // vent art? vent art LOL ig? Idk its more like.actually idk yall tell me what feeling u think this piece is giving cuz im not rly sure what shes giving just trying to capture a tumultuous rebirth of sorts~~ LMK WHAT YALL THINK THO I LOOK FORWARD TO ...
Single? Taken? Always ready to discuss ANGST girl u can take my ship angst from my cold dead hands. Especially tbhk angst fun fact i actually draw tbhk a lot but never post it and lord knows this fandom needs more artists yall just scare me a lil ngl!!!! anyway sry for having a gap in posts pl...
LABYRINTH; vent art from a few weeks ago~ interpret it however, what do you think its meant to represent? What feeling? ALSO IS ANYONE GOING TO ANIME IMPULSE THIS WEEKEND AAAA ill be there in my howl cosplay!! if u spot me say hello!! ill be with a beautiful lil sophie #art #artist #twitter #pa...
sry not sry for the hamster post. not to flex but i kinda have the cutest hamper to ever live on the face of the earth. what do u think her name is (no its not Missile but it should be. just look @ that face) shes so freakin ridiculous i love her so much!!!! ippiham.. #art #artist #twitter #pain...
old vent art THANK YOU GUYS FOR ALL OF UR SUPPORT ON MY LAST POST??? It means so much to me to be welcomed back with such warm accepting energy. Quite a lot of people unfollowed after that tho so . feel free to share my stuff to support me if u want! ^^ anyway what yall think abt diluc in the ...
COMING CLEAN?? idk LOL please read this all because im sure yall been wondering WHERE I'VE BEEN !! its been awhile hasn't it? so i'm gonna talk a lot rn to kinda explain it all. first, i graduated college (yay!!), and then i moved across the country and now work as a concept artist and it's been ...