Happy release day!! BTW, any sales between now and next Monday or Tuesday count toward best-seller status. we could use your help with orders
Hi friends! I wrote a new cookbook with the wonderful Dr Neal Barnard @physicianscommittee Get your copy at your favorite bookstore
Birthday trip to Glacier National Park Photo dump! at the end! @glaciernps We did the high line trail, 6 hours, 15.4 miles
we are really mainstream now pals!! Carrot dogs at the supermarket! (Theyre vegan, minimal ingredients, some flavors also oil-free) @bolthousefarms @safeway #vegan #veganfinds #carrotdog #carrotdogs #wunderroots
Wowie in addditon to all the new pumpkin things, @traderjoes just dropped tons of accidentally vegan goods! I cant even post them all! #vegan #traderjoesfinds #traderjoesvegan
Exciting find at 711 @silk Life is better #dairyfree especially with oat milk!
I found some new #vegan items at #traderjoes today. So glad theyre clearly labeling vegan items. Saves so much time! #vegantraderjoes Have you had any of these!?
A 10yo asked me if being vegan was a choice. At first I said yes but the more I talked to her, the more I realized its not a choice for me based on my values and goals. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS?
FREE EVENT Thursday, Sept. 9, 2021, 5-6 p.m. ET (2-3 p.m. PT)In this one-hour webinar w/ @drnealbarnard, youll learn the science behind how a plant-based diet can alleviate troublesome menopause symptoms that are plaguing 40-50 million women in the United States.I'll be a special guest at the eve...
well this is a surprise! The man who was so critical of vegans has changed his tune!! According to @vegnews he is also adding plant-based dishes to his restaurants!! This makes me so happy to hear. People can change! to @gordongram Keep leading by example & voting with your dollars folks! It...
So many new vegan finds @traderjoeslist Every time I go (which is every few months) I find more then I can share. Curse that 10 photo limit. Have you tried any of these!? #vegan #traderjoes #traderjoesfinds #traderjoesvegan