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#TechniqueTuesday Partner Deflate Rake - Trains the movements of the deflate rake counter. - Whistle 1 - Live player ball pins- Whistle 2 - Dummy clamps- Whistle 3 - Live player performs deflate rake, scoop and dish. #FreeKnowledge #FOArmy#Getinthelab
#MondayMindset be fired up for what you DO have and how grateful you are to have it.
#DrillJudge Breaking down every drill you might see in the FaceOff World.- Does it mimic the motion of a faceoff?- Does it improve technique?- Does it improve reaction?- Does it improve speed?Is it - Effective?- Worthless?- Detrimental?Court is in session starting June 14. 2024#Getinthelab#FreeK...
#WorkoutWednesday Total Body Strength & Conditioning5 Rounds: - KB Tactical Clean x 10 ES- LM Snatch x 3 ES- LM OH Sit Up x 10 - Incline travel lunge x 30 yards 1 Min Max Reps:- Bander High/Low Row #Getinthelab
#TechniqueTuesday Clamp - Partner Drill.- Trains keeping the left hand low on a clamp to avoid counters. - Partner slides stick to left hand on whistle- After contact, dummy backs out for a pass- Live player exits and dumps. #FreeKnowledge #FOArmy#Getinthelab
#MondayMindset Successful people dont sit around hating on others. Theyre too busy being successful.
Pumped to have @gregbeast32 back at BIC 2026 in a week Gonna get our faceoff athletes dialed in #Lacrosse #FirstClassLacrosse
#WorkoutWednesday Total Body Strength & Conditioning5 Rounds: - KB Squat Swing x 10- LM Coiled Rev Lunge x 5 ES- KB Hollow Rockets x 10 - Back Squat w/ Pause x 5- Incline Sprint (walk back) x 31 Min Max Reps:- DB NG Bench #Getinthelab
#TechniqueTuesday Set your opponent up for the reverse shovel counter.- Rake variation - Freezes them- Hop to the right, keep helmet down- Finish glove to glove- Swing left leg for box out#FreeKnowledge #FOArmy#Getinthelab
One Day ONLY:Special Memorial Day Sale. Sun up to sun down on Memorial Day. 50% off The worlds ONLY proven hand speed program built by professional strength coach and record setting FaceOff man @gregbeast32 .Drastically Improve:- Reaction Time- Speed on your movements- Power/Force of your clamp-...
#WorkoutWednesday Total Body Strength & Conditioning5 Rounds: - KB Snatch x 10 EA- LM Hang Clean x 5 EA- LM Resisted Rotation x 10 ES- DB SL RDL x 10 ES1 Min Max Reps:- BB Pronated Bent Over Row #Getinthelab
#TechniqueTuesday 3 step Pinch n Pop Progression- True Plunger- Paint the midline by dragging to the left foot- Exit to the left side of the body#FreeKnowledge #FOArmy#Getinthelab
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