Artist: @carlosgzz003So I finally had time to watch the finale and I really dont know what to feel. First off, Game of Thrones has been such a huge part of my life for so long. From reading and rereading the series, to cosplaying as Daenerys and Arya, and of course, to this account, GoT has had s...
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ARTISTWeirdo Graphic designer Painter illustrator
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🇹🇷Illustrator / Fantasy Artist / No One
“Quality takes time…”
Official ASoIaF Artist: The Rise Of The Dragon❄️🗡️🔥
“Quality takes time…”
Official ASoIaF Artist: The Rise Of The Dragon❄️🗡️🔥
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Artist: @jewellpoppRIP Jaime and jaimes character development. Youll be missed dearly.Did you like how jaime (and Cersei) died?{tags} #gotfajaime #jaimelannister #nikolajcosterwaldau #kingslayer #cerseilannister #daenerystargaryen #khaleesi #whitewalkers #nightking #jonsnow #aryastark #sansastark...
Artist: @joshuacairos_artI will not be queen of the ashesDaenerys, sweety, Im so sorry for what theyve done to you. You deserved better {tags} #gotfadaenerys #gotfamissandei #daenerystargaryen #emiliaclarke #khaleesi #motherofdragons #breakerofchains #missandei #jonsnow #aryastark #cerseilannist...
Artist: @ertacaltinozWARNING: THIS POST AND THE COMMENTS BELOW CONTAIN SPOILERSThis episode.......Im tired yall.For 7 seasons, daenerys kept her head held high and maintained that shes for the people. She was sold, raped, starved, dumped into a group of people whos language she didnt speak. She w...
Artist: @carlosgzz003Raise your hand if youre ready for daenerys to torch Cersei tonight.Or Arya. Or Jaime. Or Tyrion.{tags} #gotfadaenerys #daenerystargaryen #emiliaclarke #khaleesi #jonsnow #cerseilannister #whitewalkers #nightking #westeros #ironthrone #sansastark #aryastark #jaimelannister #t...
Artist: @inna_vjuzhaninaDo you think Cersei will win the last war?{tags} #gotfacersei #cerseilannister #lenaheadey #daenerystargaryen #khaleesi #jonsnow #whitewalkers #nightking #aryastark #sansastark #branstark #westeros #ironthrone #asoiaf #asongoficeandfire #gotart #gotart_ #gots8 #gameofthron...
Artist: @calandrastudioAnd then there was one. I wonder if there was purpose behind killing off the two dragons named after her brothers or if the writers simply wanted the biggest strongest dragon left.For me, it makes it that much more painful. Yes the dragons are her children. But theyre also ...
Artist: @rux_dardirorIf you listen closely you can hear the sound of my heart breakingMissandei of Naath was one of the only truly good characters in this entire series. She suffered so much through her life, but instead of hardening her heart, it made her kind and strong. Little scribe, youll be...
Artist: @guzzsoaresAnd on this weeks episode of Sansa said smart things but no one listened to her and guess what? She was rightIm getting real tired of jon and other characters ignoring Sansas ideas and concerns because they dont line up with their way of thinking. Had Dany just listened to her,...
Artist: @_courtney_luvWARNING: THIS POST AND THE COMMENTS BELOW CONTAIN SPOILERSI have some ThoughtsLargely confusion and frustrationMostly at DaenerysBut also with everyone elseI actually have a lot of thoughts so Ill probably do another post perhaps?But starting with Daenerys....shit man. Shes ...
Artist: @ertacaltinozDo you think arya will ever get the chance to ride a dragon? Dragons must have three heads after all, and since she did kill the Night King, theres a good chance she plays heavily into the Azor Ahai/ Prince That Was Promised procphecy.What do you think?{tags} #gotfacast #daen...
Artist: @houstonsharpDo you think the white walkers are really truly gone? Personally, I dont think so. Theres still so much that hasnt been explained, who azor ahai is, what the night king did with all the babies he turned, what the symbols they kept leaving meant. And the stare down between bra...
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