Functional Patterns

-Move better and eliminate painšŸƒšŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
-Take the šŸ¤” out of taking care of your body
-Results arešŸ¤“and that's what we're known for
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Founder functionalpatterns
Inventor fpinnovations
Pain Killer
Movement Optimizer
Natural Performance Enhancer
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Emerging scientific evidence shows that these foods and substances do more harm than good to your health.1. Grains: Weve been led to believe that whole grains are a staple of a healthy diet. The truth is, they do more harm than good. This comes down to the fact that they restrict core function an...
Over the years we have developed our training system for one reason onlyresults. We dont let our feelings, emotions or poorly executed studies dictate the decisions we make. We use logic and science to guide our training on a day-to-day basis. Although there have been some disagreements about our...
Indie began training FP with her mom @sharon__barbaro to address her posture and promote general wellbeing. She trains FP most weeks for a half hour, up until this point we have primarily applied 10 Week Online Program and FTS material. Before FP Indie would easily startle and regularly became e...
There is no better gift for a 73 year old father than a pain free body that can sprint better than ever. Amine started training his father online through Zoom. 5 months of training averaging 2-3 sessions a month. Knee pain would occur (5/10) when running on concrete from a previous running injury...
SPRINTING IS MORE FUNDAMENTAL THAN A DEEP SQUATVirtually every motion you do is rooted in the FP First 4, of Standing, Walking, Running and Throwing. These motions are the most fundamental that humans can learn since they had the biggest impact on the development of the human structure over milli...
1. The bottom of the squat promotes passive time under tension. If you do this while your joints are in deep ranges of motion you end up overloading the tendons and ligaments, since muscles are no longer involved in keeping you stable. This is what creates hyperflaccid hips and knees since the li...
If you want to have hip mobility like Peter Pan in Neverland, then by all means, continue to prioritize deep squats in your training.If you want to have the hip strength and stability of a sprinter, that can also deep squat when needed, then do Functional Patterns.Why not do both? Theres a hierar...
Mariana had 7/10 hip pain due powerlifting training that exacerbated her scoliosis and imbalances. Right before completing the 10 Week Online Program she contacted @marti_poliz @fp.sicily and they worked together online. She is now out of pain for the most part, if it does come on it goes to 1/10...
Another Human Foundations Course completed It was a packed house of humans wanting to learn more about the only system on the planet producing repeatable results that last. We had journeyman electricians and plumbers in this course. There were physiotherapists and personal trainers in this cours...
FP Doer @michaela.emh talks with @_pablo_martin__ about her experience and the results she got with the 10 Week Online Program #functionalpatterns #fpisthestandard#10weekonlineprogram
Medicine ball slams are some of the most versatile exercises someone can have at their disposal. From strength training to cardio, the gym to outdoors they are one of the most widely used methods of training. We make sure that they also become exercises that help correct our dysfunctions instead ...
Jen started doing our the 10 Week Online Program in August 2023. Then she began training with @nick_gaasvig in September, doing 6 virtual sessions between September and October 2023. Jen has since completed the Functional Training System while taking time to go back over the 10 Week Online Progra...