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Fathers Day is for Fathers. Men, whether biological DADS or not, they still must be BIOLOGICAL MEN! Uncles, godfathers, friends, mentors, teachers, pastors they can all play such a pivotal role in our kids lives even when their biological dad is present. But they must be men to do that! So happy ...
Fathers Day is for Fathers. Men, whether biological DADS or not, they still must be BIOLOGICAL MEN! Uncles, godfathers, friends, mentors, teachers, pastors they can all play such a pivotal role in our kids lives even when their biological dad is present. But they must be men to do that! So happy ...
The average American gets less than 20% of their daily calories from protein. And in reality we need 1-1.2 grams of protein per pound of body weight.Struggling to get it in? Below are some of my on the go protein staples. No cooking or meal prep needed. Just grab, take & eat! DM me, see my discou...
The average American gets less than 20% of their daily calories from protein. And in reality we need 1-1.2 grams of protein per pound of body weight.Struggling to get it in? Below are some of my on the go protein staples. No cooking or meal prep needed. Just grab, take & eat! DM me, see my discou...
Summer is HERE, kids are out of school & vacations are around the corner. With this comes trips to crowded places where its easy for your child to walk away or be separated from the group!! Below are some simple safety tips to use with your kids if ANY age:(1) Take a FULL body photo of your child...
Finally a what I eat in a day to meet my protein & calorie goals!If youre not tracking daily calorie intake + macros (protein + fats + carbs) you wont know if your nutrition is dialed in for results! If you need help figuring out your needs, DM me, Id be happy to help! Details about my day & wha...
Pretty simple, YES. As an immigrant myself, its unbelievable that this is being tolerated anywhere for any period of time. NO other country would allow this so why is it being tolerated here?Grateful for the fraternities standing up and fighting this when the weak administration on campus refuses...
Technology has helped us keep track of our kids & be able@to stay in contact with them at all@times but its also evolved to possibly put us on some terrifying situations. New AI capabilities can literally make a clone of you or your child with any sound bite or video clip. This can have significa...
Happy 21st birthday to the sweetest young man Ive ever met. Thank you to your sweet mama @xtina_gdlhndlit setting up this surprise for him & surprising me by recording & sharing it. It will forever be ingrained as the best memory & day on patrol for me ! A day Ill never forget, the look on his f...
NOTHING & I mean NOTHING lifts my mood like getting outside & moving my body. You dont need to run, do a race or even lift anything. Just get outside, soak up some sun & put one foot in front of the other.What many dont know about me is that I battled depression for most of my life. It wasnt cons...
Meant to share this a few months back but its taken on a whole new meaning in the last few months & especially the last few weeks. While this video & lesson is about my vest, there is SO MUCH more to it.You see, I stayed in my comfort zone most of my life, until I was in my 40s to be honest. And ...
Always remember that God may take something from you that you may rightfully deserve. But know that when He does, its for your protection and redirection. He will ALWAYS upgrade you. It may not be right away, there may be some pitfalls along the way, but know this, HE ALWAYS REDEEMS THE FAITHFUL....