Its a wrap! SEVEN: Confessions of a Drag Queen feat my favorites @lagrande_dame @scarletenvy @gothykendoll @marinaxsummers @hannahcondaofficial @chorizamay @tiakofi | @dragraceukbbc #fashionillustration
Now do the Marina Its @marinaxsummers the #Filipina winnah! | Shoutout to my sis @marianzara for creating this super cool outfit, sooo proud of you! Finally got to complete the SEVEN #Rusical queens. Its been a while. Thanks for your patience and I will do my best to post as often as I can! #As...
SEVEN: Confessions of a #DragQueen (6/7) Its the ever so captivating @lagrande_dame @dragraceukbbc @rupaulsdragrace #rupaulsdragrace #rupaulsdragraceuk
SEVEN: Confessions of a #DragQueen (5/7) *roarrrr* Its @gothykendoll @dragraceukbbc @rupaulsdragrace #rupaulsdragrace #rupaulsdragraceuk
SEVEN: Confessions of a #DragQueen (4/7) The Drama, @scarletenvy @dragraceukbbc @rupaulsdragrace #rupaulsdragrace #rupaulsdragraceuk #scarletenvy
SEVEN: Confessions of a #DragQueen (3/7) @tiakofi @dragraceukbbc @rupaulsdragrace #rupaulsdragrace #rupaulsdragraceuk #tiakofi
SEVEN: Confessions of a #DragQueen (1/7) My cutie patoootie ultimate favorite mima, @hannahcondaofficial !!! @dragraceukbbc @rupauls_drag_raceaustralia #rupaulsdragrace #rupaulsdragraceuk #hannahconda
SEVEN: Confessions of a #DragQueen (2/7) Hola! Welcome! Its the bombshell, @chorizamay @dragraceukbbc @rupaulsdragrace #rupaulsdragrace #rupaulsdragraceuk #chorizamay
BORN TO DO DRAG | Elite status unlocked! Still sobbing. Thank you @marinaxsummers . You make us all so proud. #rupaulsdragrace #marinasummers @dragraceukbbc #fashionillustration
BORN TO DO DRAG | @marinaxsummers #rupaulsdragrace #marinasummers @dragraceukbbc #fashionillustration #dragrace #dragraceuk
Aayyy! #CrayonShinChan | #fashionillustration #90skid #manga #90sanime
Its @lizwoop cosplaying my #SquidGame Guard illustration. Sooooo badass! Thank you mucho! #Cosplay #ElistjohnCosplay