Clarity is of utmost importance. Strive to find clarity in your life and the first step in doing so is learning to focus.
Simplify your life. Simplification does not mean you cannot have grand goals. All that it means is that youre simplifying your life to what truly matters to
There is always a lot to do in life. But we only have a finite amount of time and energy. So prioritize first. Then simplify your life to those priorities. Focus your time and energy on your
Choose where you invest your energy. LEARN to manage your energy with my Energy Alchemist course. See:
Your time on this earth is so precious. Dont let yourself be distracted by things and people that are not aligned with you.
The first step, is and always will be, to learn to focus.
A gentle reminder today to believe in yourself.
When it comes to productivity and efficiency, the ability to concentrate is the most valuable asset.
Morning routines are great to have. But they are even greater if they are in alignment with your purpose in life. Study my online courses
Its been a while since I pulled the Nikon out. This mornings sunrise. #nikonphotography #nikon
Sharing my thoughts on how to decide which relationships should we invest our time and energy in.
Every time you do so, you are developing your willpower, that mental muscle.