Claudia Ayuso

video producer writer
I make Origin Story an optimistic show mapping our way into the future Subscribe
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9 months went into making this show possible. Loads of doubting myself, loads unwavering certainty this needed to happen, loads of excitement, loads of learning, loads of conversations with friends to help me land this i wrote about it all on my newsletter over on substack. Link in stories if you...
Que no se te pase votar el 9 de Junio en las elecciones europeas. Estas importan, y mucho ! #ChooseCourage #puentesverdes #elecciones #eleccioneseuropeas Content paid for by the European Green Party.
Do you think humans are a plague on Earth? Let me debunk this myth. And while youre here, go subscribe to my new YouTube channel, Origin Story. Ill be covering these kind of stories through an optimistic lens, so come along!Link to the channel on my bio, or search on YT my name and its the channe...
(English ) Cuenta la leyenda que el hijo del guanarteme (rey) de Telde, en Gran Canaria, se neg a sublevarse ante los conquistadores espaoles. Y el 29 de Abril de 1483, hizo algo de lo que hoy an hablamos con emocin, ms de 500 aos despus. Te cuento qu en el vdeo.Legend has it that the guanarteme ...
Este es el ruido que hace un pueblo que quiere proteger su tierra porque los de arriba no lo hacen. El ascenso de la extrema derecha est poniendo en peligro medidas medioambientales y de proteccin de derechos humanos que necesitamos con:Cortes brutales o retirada completa de financiacinSe ignoran...
(Espaol ) Australia is both a very new and very old country. Or is it? It is home to the oldest living culture that we know of on Earth (I get goosebumps) - but that culture is in peril, colonisers tried to erase it and one way they did that was with geography. Now, the names of white dudes on Au...
Hay pocas cosas que me gusten ms que salir a hacer deporte y, a veces, el dolor muscular es inevitable. En ocasiones en las que necesito alivio rpido, utilizo Rumalaya Gel, un gel de accin rpida fro/calor de una marca de cuidado holstico: @himalayaspain sus productos estn cargados de los benefici...
(English ) Durante el ltimo ao y medio, un grupo de vecinos de Adeje, Tenerife, ha destapado una cadena de crmenes cometidos por una promotora que planea construir un resort de lujo, y lo peor de todo es que las irregularidades no paran de aparecer.El terreno est localizado entre dos zonas proteg...
(espaol ) I found an amazing map!! Maps help us navigate our way through space, but they also give us information about the time they were drawn. One thing they do is split the land in plots to be sold, but one amazing thing they can do as well is what the one I show you in the video has done.It ...
Te explico con ejemplos:Cada ao se tiran algo mas de 5 millones de toneladas de ropa (prcticamente lo que pesa la Gran Pirmide de Guiza) solo en Europa.Para 2030, algunas de las propuestas para solucionar este problema incluyen acabar don el greenwashing y aumentar la responsabilidad legal de las...
(Espaol ) Have you ever wondered why we werent putting solar panels directly on space to maximise solar energy? Well, the time might have come. The European Space Agency is figuring out if we can pull this off.If we do, it could be a massive step in giving up fossil fuels for good. Let me explain...
(Espaol ) Humans are coming together in trying to save from extinction a species of rhino of which there are only two left in the world, and both female.So how are they doing it? Theyre using IVF, and they have 30 embryos that will be transferring into a different subspecies of rhino. Can this wo...