
Human nature is like water
It takes the shape of its container

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Dinner time! Turtle spaghetti #thatsamore #italian #turtle #dinner #spaghetti #cute #animals #petsofinstagram
You snooze you lose! This was their first time and the little cosmic mustve been confused I havent made one of these videos in like 6 years! Who remembers these!? Working on training these two and youll see how improved they are in a few more videos! #turtle #turtles #feeding #pacman #aquarium ...
I dont think Ive ever seen myself happier in a photo before It was really a full circle moment when @connorjmcconnell from @abominabletoys came over to meet Hope & I. He is the reason the Hope plush & Hope figure exist. Without him I couldve probably never done it! He created the character Chomp...
Put 2 fingers together for scale Im always so shocked by how smol they are These two are so cute & beautiful #opposite #turtles #hatchlings #reptiles #animals #pets #paisley #cosmic #clown #redearedslider #babyanimals #adorable
What a wonderful world #lifeisgood #spring #turtle #coneflower #echinacea #bumblebee #nature #flowers #garden #wildlife #cute #joy #happiness #animals #reptiles #pets #smile #diamondbackterrapin
Hope has been healingHere are some updated pictures of her, her neck wound from the feeding tube, which is completely closed now & a picture of the nail infection that started it all & of course her signature move, taking a pee mid picture The last vet visit, they were able to remove the abscess...
Hope said no more feeding tube. She makes her own decisions Sorry for the late update! Ive been sick with what I thought was strep but turns out its Covid Havent had it since March 2020 & its definitely worse the second time around So proud of Hope for persevering and continuing to improve eve...
Its almost like theres never enough food to go around (there always is) #turtles #aquarium #animals #reptiles #pets #aquariumhobby #underwater #wildlife
Swipe to see these 5 little guys growing Which one is your favorite? 1234or 5?! My favorite is the first one #CosmicClowns #BabyTurtles #Turtles #Animals #Reptiles #Pets #Cute #Wildlife #Nature #Colorful #TurtleMorphs #RedEaredSlider
Heres the Hope update youve been waiting for Hope has been home for a few days now. I wanted to get comfortable and confident with everything before sharing the news Shes doing so much better than she was its honestly incredible to see. When I brought her to the emergency vet she was hardly mov...
Visiting Hope She is definitely showing signs of improvement but we still have a long road ahead of us. A lot more antibiotics left to go in the course, a lot of dry docking, minimal time in water, tube feedings, she didnt eat the food I brought but we werent really expecting her to yet. Once s...
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