What a trip. We held our 4th annual Chris Norton Family Wheelchair Camp and hosted 25 families from all over the country (More pics & vids to come). None of its possible without our amazing sponsors & volunteers.My dad has officially retired after being in education for over 30 years!My grandma ...
Yesterday we adopted our son, Keondre!!! We found out two days before & threw together such a special party to celebrate.I will never forget 1 1/2 years ago when the littlest 17 month old showed up at our house. He was being held by the worker dropping him off. His big, curious eyes looking aroun...
I know I havent done an update on foster care for a really long time so here we go.. For the majority of the last 16 months everything with our little guys case was smooth and straight-forward. A while ago a few things happened that were just terrifying. I had days where I literally couldnt eat b...
@chrisanorton16 & I are so excited to invite you to join us at the @7yardsfilm premiere this Monday night! (Link in bio) If you get a spot for the premiere you can watch the movie now! Its pretty surreal having a documentary out that really gives you an in depth look at Chriss injury, how him & h...
Im so exited to finally have this book!!!The first book by Dr. Karyn Purvis, The Connected Child, changed the way we parent our kids so I have been waiting for months to get my hands on this book. I loved how in this book @onethankfulmom shares her stories as a foster/adoptive mom & how she appli...
While I am proud of people speaking up about racial injustices, Ive been furious reading the comments of people downplaying how the black community is feeling right now and what happened to George Floyd. So many white people feel the need to argue, bring up irrelevant points, dismiss, make excuse...
Today our family ran 2.23 miles for Ahmaud. Its a tiny step & the least we could do to honor him, fight for justice & show that we are praying for his family/friends.Being a mom to our little guy who I love with my entire heart has added a whole new level of understanding & fear for what he will ...
1 year ago yesterday we adopted these sweet girls. I never in a million years wouldve imagined wed be parents to 5 girls by 26 but Im so thankful God had way greater plans for us than we had for ourselves.
3 weeks have passed with this little guy & I love him with my whole heart. If he left tomorrow Id be devastated which is scary...for me. But foster care isnt about me. What is WAY scarier is if he didnt have someone who loved him like this.He was born VERY premature so hes had to fight since day ...
We accepted a little guy through foster care into our home, our family & our hearts this past week.Instantly when he was placed in my arms he smiled and looked at me with his big brown eyes and I was in love. I was instantly attached.We have no idea what the future holds for him but theres one th...
One of the biggest things Im learning and understanding more through our foster care/ adoption journey is to trust in Gods timing.Even though I know Gods timing is WAY better then mine- Im the absolute worst at waiting!! I hate it. Im super impatient & stubborn when I have to wait. It drives me n...
You make me believe in fairytales... .Happy Halloween!!