Coyote Tactical Solutions

Gear manufacturer located in East TN
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No @drewhopkins were harmed in the making of this video. NEW product video just launched on Youtube showing off our CHEST RIG and its features / accessories. Special thanks to @charles.vernier and the @dirtycivilian guys @joshlowry95 and @drewhopkins for their cameo.
Beretta A300 Ultima Patrol kicking ass in all scenarios.
@desert_tech QUATTRO-15 Magazines (53 rounds each) in our Single Decker Placard for our Chest Rig, totaling 159 rounds in your Chest Rig, plus another 53 in the weapon system.
Comfort in any angle; our Chest Rig system provides unparalleled ability to scale up or down as your mission necessitates.
When you want to reach out and spread Democracy from the top of a mountain, grab the .50
Well well weathered and worn in TORTILLA Rifle magazine sleeve. Compatible with AR, AK mags and more.
Our first ever designed product, the Rapid Action Kit (R.A.K.) still going strong since 2014. Featured next to our 32oz Nalgene pouch with our QD hose system which lets you drink on the go; no more going hands on to remove your bottle to drink and struggle to get it back inside.
New versions of our popular JPC Cummerbunds coming in hot
What would be your go to rifle if you could only pick one?
I have the high ground Anakin!Thinking about making some ghillie pack covers and hoods...
Check those corners and always have someone to watch your blind spots, both in business and in life.
Ice cold and laser focused in 2024. LFG #coyotetacticalsolutions
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